Flag Day is Tuesday, June 14.  It commemorates the day the Continental Congress established the basic design on June 14, 1777, during the Revolutionary War.   The resolution read “The flag of the United States shall be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, with a union of thirteen stars of white on a blue field …”.  The number of stars grew whenever a new state joined the union.  

The day is recognized by flying the flag.   Around Clark Lake, some join in.  But many are the result of the Kiwanis who place them before patriotic holidays and collect them afterwards. The flags appear for Memorial Day, Flag Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day through September 11, Voting Day, and Veterans Day.  

Yesterday, Flip Reynolds, and his son, Phil, were out distributing them.  If you subscribed, but haven’t received your flag, contact Linda Reynolds at 529-9613 and leave a message.  

To learn more about the program and how you can subscribe, please click here.


Imagine if more people joined the effort.  What would it look like if one flag after another lined roads at Clark Lake on each patriotic holiday?

