Annette Fink and her crew made great progress again today. Most tiles on the side facing the road are in place.  Yet to come are tiles that will form a border, and the grouting.  And of course, your name on the other side.  Check out some of the intricate detail that tells the Clark Lake Spirit story.

  • Your name goes here!

In this video, Annette Fink talks about the process.  Recorded Monday, June 8.

The sign faces the North Lake Road curve between Rita and Grand Boulevard.

What started in September and continued all winter is now in completion phase. Tiles were created under Annette’s direction at Alverno Studio at Lourdes College in Sylvania.  But some of the glazing took place here.  In February, a large group of Clark Lakers gathered in the Beach Bar activity room to apply coats of glaze to the pieces which are now forming the mural. 

This work, commissioned by the Spirit Trail, will truly celebrate the Clark Lake Spirit.  The side facing the road offers the “Welcome to Clark Lake” greeting.  On the other side will be the names of donors who have made Spirit Trail projects at the lake possible–this sign, and the building, improvement and maintaining of the Trail.   

Creator Annette Fink and her team are volunteering their time to make this work of art a reality.  Annette also contributed the raw materials.  Third party expenses include the large studio where the clay pieces were crafted and fired and paying the professional tiler.   

The Spirit Trial Committee is conducting a fundraiser to support this activity. Future Trail improvements and extensions are at risk without your help.  

Will you Sign Up for the Sign? 

Those who donate $1000 or more will have their name (or name(s) of their choice) engraved on a 6H x 8W plaque that will be attached to the Spirit Trail side of the sign.  Corporate logos are also welcome for each donation of $2500.

New donors will join the names of those who have already made $1000 donations.  Those donors were recognized on the Jefferson Road section of the Trail.  Unfortunately, the names have eroded and are no longer visible.  That won’t happen with this new sign.  Both the Welcome to Clark Lake on the North Lake Road side and the names of donors on Spirit Trail facing will stand guard for the ages, serving as a testament to future generations of what Clark Lake means to this generation.  

Names of donors will also be recognized on a dedicated page of this website.  In addition to the $1000 donors, donors of any size will be included on this special page.

What happens if donations exceed the amount needed to cover the building of the sign?  These fund are needed.  A yet to be announced project is looming, and its implementation will encounter significant costs.

Photos and video: Rick Belcher
