Parks Commission

Clark Lake Parks Commission
Clark Lake, Michigan 49234
By-laws, May 23, 2019


The Clark Lake Parks Commission (the “Commission”) is comprised of interested residents who care deeply about Clark Lake including, but not limited to, the impact of its two (2) public parks on life at the lake. It is the goal of the Commission to represent and advance those views perceived to be held by the majority of the lake community at large

The two (2) parks are:

1.  Columbia Township Park located at the lake’s west end on Hyde Road; and
2. Jackson County Park located at the east end on Ocean Beach Road.


The mission of the Commission is to:

a.  Learn and be conversant of all rules and regulations promulgated by Columbia Township, Jackson County, State of Michigan or any Federal governmental agency which may directly or indirectly affect Clark Lake;
b.  Learn of any proposed or in-progress changes or modifications to either park and provide the Commissions input and advice;
c.  Keep Clark Lake residents informed and advised of all relevant issues through the Clark Lake Spirit website or whatever other means the Commission deems appropriate;
d.  To survey residents, when appropriate, about any relevant issue affecting either park;
e.  To establish a positive working relationship with Columbia Township, Jackson County, State of Michigan and/or any Federal agency;
f.  To offer recommendations to any appropriate and relevant local, state or federal agency or body on any issue relating to either park; and
g.  To do its best to see that any future changes, modifications and/or additions to either park will not have any negative effect on the residents of Clark Lake.


Board of Directors:  The Commission will be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of no less than seven (7) and no more than eleven (11) with each having 1 (one) vote.  A quorum shall consist of a simple majority (50% plus one).  A simple majority vote shall be sufficient for passage or rejection of any motion. Voting of Directors may be in-person at a called meeting or electronically by email or other method.  A Director may resign at any time by writing communicated to the Board. A Director may be removed at any time without cause by majority vote of the Board.  All minutes including in-person votes and electronic votes shall be approved by the Board.

The Board shall elect a Chairman who shall conduct meetings and represent the Commission, a Vice-Chairman who shall act when the Chairman is not available, and, a Secretary who shall record minutes of all meetings and votes whether in-person or electronically. Other members of the Board may, at the discretion of the Board, be designated to handle Communications, Governmental Relations, Park Rules and Regulations and/or Legal Issues.

General Members:  Residents of Clark Lake may become General Members of the Commission, but a general member shall have no vote other than may from time-to-time be approved in advance by the Board. Any General Member shall be approved by vote of the Board. A General Member may resign at any time or may be removed by majority vote of the Board.

Township Ordinance

To view the Columbia Township Park Ordinance from 2017, please click on this link.   Columbia Township Park Ordinance 2017